"I haven't seen it yet but it's in my 'queue'..."
It's an interesting oddity how the word "queue" has evolved into mainstream familiarity, especially in relation to stateside pop culture and throughout the lexicon of American English.
The word has seemingly been reinvented as a culturally-inspired product of Netflix, representing our own online film "collection", carefully designed and scheduled, providing an outlet of enthusiasm and sophistication to our practice of pop culture and entertainment. It's ultimately one of the current media-based sources that steadily siphons and satisfies our passions for cultural reflection, innovation and intrigue.
Through these modern movements, there is a universal sense of pride when refining a collection of books, films, albums or shows (which can all be defined simply as "experiences"), checking them off as we notate each film we see, each song we hear or each book we read. Whether worthy of our time or not, each experience is a new strand in the muscle of our cultural perspective, becoming our "own" as well as becoming another connecting element to our social relationships. While we define our identity through our interests, passions and personal connections, we laterally carry a boundless attraction to see, hear and acquire new experiences, fueling our senses and our expanding ideals.
Leading onto the purpose of THE QUEUE, I hope to provide a simple, streaming source that feeds such interests and curiosity as well as inspires the ongoing maintenance of your own, personal pop culture "queues".
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